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Saturday, 22 March 2014

Montagne Jennesse Hot chocolate&orange self heating pore cleansing mask review


Not so long ago I discovered this little piece of gold in Primark!

Montagne jennesse's Hot Chocolate & orange self heating pore cleansing face mask. On my trip to Glasgow with a friend last month I picked up this mask in Primark for only 99p,I thought I may as well give it a bash.I have tried a few of their masks before and have always liked the aftermath, and for such a low price it's a really nice way just to perk your skin up a bit and give yourself a bit of pampering time! 

That night I decided to give this a little shot, as soon as I opened the packet the scent of terry's chocolate orange just blasted out which had me smitten over this product already.It is so hard to not just eat this!

I have tried a few self heating masks before but never really been too impressed just by the fact of yes they do get warm but nothing that really feels like it does anything. As soon as I applied this too my skin it was like all my pores cried with happiness, it's very warming (obviously tolerable warmth) after applying this it made my hands look like I just shoved them into a massive bowl of melted chocolate which I was loving!

I left this on for about 15 and the whole time it was on my face,the heat kept. I used a very hot cloth to this off, and surprisingly it budges very easily!  I just splashed some cold water over my face afterwards just to close my pores up.

My face was incredibly soft after and felt very very clean! I would definitely recommend this product and even better it's on offer in boots just now for 89p,it's worth a trip!!

Thanks for reading :)

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  1. It is like smearing your face with a Terry's chocolate orange. I didn't like it that much when I tried this mask - mainly because I was craving sugar every moment it was on my face lol. Stephen :o)


    1. Yeah I was exactly the same,hunting my cupboards high and low to get a sugar fix!


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