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Sunday, 18 January 2015

What i've been loving this week // 18th January.

Ah the return of the loving this week post, I don't know why I stopped these in the first place but here's this week to kick off.

2015 diary// Whsmith 

If you're an 02 user you'll surely know all about the wonderful world of 02 priority full of free things and competitions , well just recently the had an offer for a 2015 diary for Whsmith free up to the value of £10.00 so I had a look about a thought this was the nicest one , hardback and goes day by day with loads of space to write, So hopefully as Ive said every year before this will be the year to get organised and plan more!

Urban decay naked 2 basics palette // Debenhams 

If you usually read my posts you'll know my last one was my thoughts on this palette which you can read here, but i've never really delved into eyeshadow before but this one is just a dream! and if you haven't heard of it by now where on earth have you been.

Jimmy Choo Eau de Parfum // Boots

This was actually an item I got for christmas , I have heard it and seen it everywhere on the run up to christmas but had never smelt it but this is my new perfume favourite! I really can't explain smells but its quite musky and in a gorgeous little bottle perfect for anyone's dressing table display.

Ripped molly jeans // River Island 

Now these jeans I managed to get in the boxing day sales ( yes i'm one of those people ) but I had been looking for a perfect pair of ripped jeans for a while , all the other ones I tried on either looked really strange on me or didn't fit , so when I found these I grabbed them and took them straight to the checkout , I got a size 14 which I thought would be a little tight but they were so perfect fitting and the ripped knee isn't half way up my leg, Needless to say I might hold on to summer to wear these.

Loreal True Match // Boots 

Ah the ever raved and talked about foundation , I thought there is far too many good reviews out there for me to not try it out as a struggler of finding the perfect foundation. I really really like this I got the lightest shade which I think is ivory.At first I thought it was very watery and going to be a nightmare to blend into my skin but it really wasn't I used my Real techniques buffing brush and the beauty bender to get the perfect finish.

So that's this weeks favorites, comment below on things youve been enjoying this week.

1 comment:

  1. I absolutely adore Jimmy Choo! It's such a stunning scent xx

    Gemma | missmakeupmagpie.com


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